Saturday, January 30, 2016

New 3D technology

30 Jan. 2016

     So I watched an awesome video showing some of the latest and greatest computer technology.  The first part of the video highlighted an interactive touch-screen that, while cool, didn't exactly knock my socks off. I've seen that kind of tech for a few years now and while impressive, I don't exactly see it as world-changing, necessarily. I was however, enormously impressed by a ZCo "Augmented Reality Visualization tool".  Now that program was awesome!  The tech guy was able to pull up images on his screen and rotate them around like he would if it were a real, physical object.  Now, I know even this tech has been around awhile- it's a critical element of 3D gaming, which is also fairly old tech by now.  What really caught my attention though was that he could enlarge it and see the various layers of the object- in the example shown in the video the tech guy examined a multi-layer bus, like the kind driven a lot in the UK.  He was able to look at it from any angle, and enlarge it to the point that he could start seeing inside the bus!  My first thought upon seeing that was remembering the elaborate computers used by Tony Stark in the Iron Man movies, particularly the first couple when he was building/upgrading his Iron Man suit.  It makes me wonder just how many years away we really are from having those kinds of computers! 
     Functionally, I see all kinds of application for this augmented reality tool.  Especially in architecture, automotive classes, engineering, hell even in history class! Being a massive history buff, I can just imagine teachers someday talking about the Roman coliseums and bringing up not just photos of modern day ruins on a flat screen TV but actually bringing up an historical rendering of a colosseum, and even being able to spin the image around at various angles on a computer screen, zoom in and out and show the different areas of it, as it would have looked two thousand years ago.  Or imagine showing, not just telling or reading about the Battle of Gettysburg!  That would be seriously cool!

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